Superior Silica Sands
Superior Silica Sands is everything our name implies – a company uniquely positioned to serve the Industrial and Energy sectors and known for superior quality, services, and people. As the demand for sand grows in both industries, so does the demand for a highly experienced, trusted Supplier.
Today that company is Superior Silica Sands.

Frac Sand Division
Located in the heart of the Eagleford, the Frac Sand Division can serve both the eastern and western flanks of the basin. The plant has a production capacity of 3million tons per year and utilizing its industry leading 5 load out lanes, we can load out over 15,000 tons daily.
Industrial Division
Our San Antonio Mining facility is made up two distinctive and separate state-of-the-art sand plants – an Industrials plant and a Frac Sand plant.Our Industrial Division provides a wide range of products for use in the Construction, Sports, and Industrial market segments (CSI). Utilizing our 1 million tons per year production capacity, we are able to service the needs of our customers all across Texas and surrounding states.
The Right Sand,
In The Right Place,
For The Right Cost.

Our Commitment
We deliver the highest quality sand products for your money
We consistently deliver the highest level of customer service
We respond immediately to address issues
We’re committed to building long-term relationships with reliable, dependable people
We are a trusted partner with high ethical standards
Our Vision
Provide our customers with the most efficient, cost-effective solutions for growing their business while providing a safe, stable, and rewarding work environment for our employees.
Our Mission
Use our entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to quality, reliability, service and integrity to be the most trusted supplier in the Industrial and Energy industries.